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Making Self-Care a Mainstream Practice


There is an epidemic of anxiety and depression that each one of us should have some sort of self-care. Make no mistake—self-care isn’t synonymous with being selfish or self-indulgence. Mental health professionals recommend it to be part of how we can all cope with stress and keep up with the rushed and urgent phase of daily life.

For self-care to become a mainstay in mental health Duluth, Minnesota, there should be a health-oriented definition attached to it. Also, its approach should include staying physically healthy and seeking medical care when needed, as well as engaging in activities that promote good health and positive general well being.

Northern Waters Clinic believes that mental health care in Minnesota involves self-care and introspection—a process of checking in with yourself and asking yourself how you’re doing physically, mentally, and emotionally. When self-care is practiced, there are benefits to positive health outcomes such as reduced stress, improved immune system, increased productivity, and higher self-esteem. Often, self-care for you may be different on how others take care of themselves, and what may be self-care for you today may not be the same set of activities the next day.

However, if you’re not feeling so well and you need help in understanding self-care or other issues that you may have, we have different psychiatric services in Duluth, Minnesota to help you navigate whatever it is that you’re going through. Call us now for more information.

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